Is Pendrive allowed in Infosys Mysore Campus?
Ans is NO – Because there is a very good reason in the end so keep reading.
So, is there any way to take Pendrive inside?
Infosys is a large organization. It has more than 2 lakhs employees. It has good reputation and great client bases.
With an organization, one more thing comes i.e. Data. Nobody wants data leakage. Data leakage results in loss of reputation and business.
If required employees can be sued for the business loss. There are many examples of data leakage in other organizations. This causes money loss as well.
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Infosys wants to protect their data as well. They want their data to be secured inside the company itself. No data should out of the organization.
But I won’t steal anything.
It may be true, but anyone can become a trojan horse. This will result in data losses. Hence as a precautionary measure pen drives, hard drives or any other storage devices are not allowed inside the campus.
Is Pendrive allowed in Infosys Mysore Campus if I am having my personal data like photos in it?

Even if you have your personal data better to not bring inside the campus. If you will get caught in security check your pen drive might be retained with the company in case of suspicion.
If you are having photos and media better to save them on your phone. You can upload your data to online storage sites such as google drive or one drive.
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How to bring Pendrive in Infosys Mysore Campus
If you are a fresher and employees you might not be having so much knowledge about how to bring Pendrive on the campus.
But let me tell you. You can get at least your pen drive in campus in the following condition.
- You have to take permission and give a valid reason to bring it into campus
- Generally, if you are doing an official photo shoot or video shoot you can carry your pen drive with prior notice to management.
- There is no dedicated gateway or protocol created to bring pen drive in campus hence you have to give a true and valid reason.
- You have to get in touch with official stuff and higher management and if required you might be asked for consent in case of data loss.
Let me tell you one thing. Why there is a need of Pendrive at all in Infosys Mysore campus.
Read this pro tip before coming to Infosys Mysore campus.
You love photography or vlogging? You know what, you will going to love this place. This is the paradise of photographers and photo lovers.
Even with the standard phone and normal video resolution, you will be creating so many memories that you will run out of space.
- Hence, before coming here make sure to have a great memory backup
- Its a matter of 3 months only for some and 6 months for some. So better recharge with 2GB/day pack and upload your data consistently.
- You barely get 100kbps in ECC rooms so get outside and upload your data.
Best places in Infosys Mysore campus for faster internet speed
I have tested many places in infosys mysore campus and here are the three places where internet speed touches 1 MBps (not mbps) to 3MBps
- Opposite to cycling bay near Multiplex. You can sit on benches and use faster internet connection and upload your photos
- Behind Oasis food court.
- In the ground behind GEC2 near Gazibo food court. (Maximum speed as all the cellphone towers are placed nearby)
What you will do with pen drive in Infosys Mysore campus.
Unless you are having bad intentions what is the need for pen drive? I guess only storing movies, and most probably storing photos.
Trust me, you won’t get time to watch movies from your pen drive as you will be busy in making memories + learning.
The second thing is for storing photos and videos. I already told you what is the best way to do it.
Hence again this question, Is Pendrive allowed in Infosys Mysore Campus?
After all the explanation above my answer is- There is no need to bring one.
Apart from this if you have any valid reason to bring pendrive to campus or any storage media, let me know below in the comments.
I will try to answer all your questions related to carrying storage devices in infy Mysore campus.
Catch you guys in the next post. Peace.