I know all the smokers wanted to know curiously that, Is smoking allowed in Infosys Mysore campus?

Well, as per recent rules, one can not smoke inside the campus. This is a new initiative taken all across Infosys branches.
This initiative makes smoking restricted to all areas of DC.
Well, things were not like this before. Earlier, There was no restriction on smoking inside the campus.
In fact, there were dedicated smoking points created for smokers.
Smoking points in Infosys Mysore Campus [Closed]
Infy campus was also a heaven for all the smokers. Designers of the campus didn’t forget to create smoking zones for all those mighty smokers.
Even though all the smoking points are closed but you can still go and hang around with your friends.
You can find one of the best smoking zone near Arena food court opposite to GEC 2 main road.
This smoking zone is heavily surrounded by trees grass and garden. These factors were helping in lower the impact of smoke. Small well built benches and huts were created for seamless smoking.
Any smoker used to find this place very relaxed and awesome for smoking.
Is smoking allowed in Infosys Mysore ECC?
There are smoking zones built near ECC as well. Smokers used to gather and smoke here.
But as per new rules, smoking is prohibited here as well.
Can I smoke inside ECC buildings?
NO, You can’t smoke inside ECC buildings as there are smoke detectors everywhere.
You can’t even smoke in your ECC roomes. Apart from doorways smoke detectors are also fitted in your rooms as well.
If you want to try, the alarm goes on and you will be punished by the campus management.
Can I smoke in GEC(Global Education Centers)?
You cannot smoke in GEC. Smoking in GEC is strictly prohibited. Even when smoking was allowed in campus, at that time also smoking was prohibited in GEC’s.
Where I can smoke in Infosys Mysore campus?
As smoking is completely not allowed in Infosys Mysore campus, you have to go to areas nearby.
Once you will go out of the main gate, there you can find smoking points.
But let me tell you one fact,
Despite giving facilities to smokers and building zones for them inside the campus, why smoking is banned now?
Because it is not good for health.
Due to this initiative, management wants to make campus smoke free and their employees as well.
As per the current situation, you have to go almost 3km aways for smoking.
This initiative helping few smokers to quit their smoking habits.
So, what are the final thoughts?
Is smoking allowed in the Infosys Mysore campus? Ans is: No
But, one important question:
Should you smoke?
Comment Below your answers and let me know your thoughts on the smoking ban in Infosys Mysore campus.
Priyanka Yadav · June 9, 2021 at 3:24 pm
Can I bring my sister to live with me till the training in Infosys campus? If I need to pay additional accommodation charge that will be okay for me
Head · June 10, 2021 at 8:17 am
Nope, only trainees/employees can stay in campus other than weekends.